Thursday, August 29, 2013


Remember that one time I wrote about Lake Powell, and about how all the cool people go there?

Well. It's official. We made it into the cool club. 

Some of our bestest friends, Carley and Adam invited us, and some other BFFs, to head to Powell for the weekend. Duh. Of course. Yes. Absolutely. 100%. No brainer. They are living on the east coast right now and we are just missing their cute faces, and the fact that they just understand our ridiculous humor. Not only do they understand it, they live it. Dare I say they are as weird as we are... And I mean that in the nicest way. I am proud of them for that accomplishment. 

The days were spent tubing, napping, relaxation station-ing, iron man training, sun burning, reading, zumba on the beach-ing, eating, eating, snacking, and devouring.

The nights were spent lightning storming, fireworking, snuggling, relationship advicing, bug biting, snoring, mafia-ing, and semi afraid of rolling into the water-ing.

there are two amazing things about this picture: Mike's face, and Clay's bod.
i can't decide which is better. no wait, yes i can.

Minimal make up. Minimal clothes. Maximum tubing bruises. Maximum life loving.

We count our blessing every day-- for this beautiful place that was created for us to enjoy, and for incredible friends to enjoy it with. 

Lake Powell, August 16th- 18th, 2013.

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