Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Ketchup as in catch up, but if you must know, I do prefer ketchup over mustard, 10 times out of 10.

Well time as passed and all that jazz- we have had an eventful few months with lots of lazy days in between. I was the luckiest and got to go to Denver in October when my sister had her sweet baby boy. I will never get over how amazing that whole experience is... I don't even want to ever get over it. I want to always be in complete and utter awe at what our bodies are capable of, and of what God designed them to do. He is a pure genius, that's all I can say.

(this is funny because I was pregnant and only like 3 people knew. sammers!!)
 sweet Jude Thomas Swapp. my man crush of 2013.

We had a rocking Halloween and managed to be the weirdest people ever (easy) and dressed up as E.T. and Elliot. We went to hang out with friends in Provo and I all of a sudden realized how old I was for 2 reasons-- 1, because I don't really like to bump and grind, and 2, because no one knew who in the heck we were! What's wrong with people these days?

Then in November we went back to Colorado for Thanksgiving. I love it there. I love the people there especially, but I love the weather, the neighborhoods, and the feel goods. I am convinced Colorado is the perfect mixture of California and Utah. Let's just say, I wouldn't be complaining if we found ourselves owning a home there one day.

 i love my sister for so many reasons, but i really love her cause she is so fancy.

 lighting of the capitol. it was all fun and games until Afton screamed at the lights like a weirdo.

oh, these make my heart hurt- i want to live Thanksgiving all day every day.

December was full of way too many cold days, finding out if our little alien babe was a he or a she, a fun Christmas with Clay's family (with major Blockus butt kicking going on), a beautiful wedding for one of my favorite red heads (make that TWO of my favorite red heads), a ridiculous New Years Eve and a move. 

If I've said it once, I'll say it again...
I hope 2014 doesn't suck, because 2013 was pretty stellar. 
I think my main goal this year is just to push a child out in May. That seems like something I should focus on for awhile. I'll let you know how it goes. In the mean time, life is good. Oh so good.
