Clay is a major sucker for all things mountain. He wants to move his body and go on adventures.
So we compromised. (We are totally already acing this marriage thing.)
Spent one night in San Jose. I think that was the happiest drive of my life. We couldn't stop talking about how spoiled we were that day. Is it considered reminiscing if you do it 3 minutes after it happened? Because we did it, and I am not even mad. We checked into our hotel and realized we were starved-- so naturally we headed to In n Out. Happy honeymoon to us. My boo treats me right.
Tahoe. That place. Sheesh. We stayed in a sweet little condo. Had cereal for breakfast and made PB & J for lunch. Spoiled ourselves and went out to dinner. I miss those days. You know, the days where you eat whatever you want, whenever you want, just because you can. We hiked our hearts out. Clay got is nature fix, and I got my water fix. And we were happy. Favorite parts of Tahoe (in no particular order): Blue Dog Pizza and Angora Lakes. (That is the exact order, actually. Food is necessary to enjoy the sites, people.)
Yosemite. I'm not even going to ask you to go, I am yelling it at the top of my lungs. Go, go, go.
Basically it was the best week ever. People kept asking if I loved Clay more the second we got married, and I didn't know how to answer them. What I do know for sure is that I love going on adventures with my best friend. (cheese factor is sitting at an 8 at leeeeast!) I love that it is safe, and comfortable, and that we acknowledge that the commitment we made to each other is the most important thing in our lives. He makes me happy every single day, and I am grateful for that like wo.
South Lake, Tahoe and Yosemite National Park, June 16th- 22nd, 2013
Man this makes me wanna go see some National Parks!! So beautiful and what a rad place to honeymoon!