Thursday, July 25, 2013


I'm a major sucker for the beach and all things water. Give me a bathing suit, a towel, and some sun glasses, and I will lay there all day. But if we are being minimalists in this economy, just give me the sun glasses.
Clay is a major sucker for all things mountain. He wants to move his body and go on adventures. 

So we compromised. (We are totally already acing this marriage thing.)

Spent one night in San Jose. I think that was the happiest drive of my life. We couldn't stop talking about how spoiled we were that day. Is it considered reminiscing if you do it 3 minutes after it happened? Because we did it, and I am not even mad. We checked into our hotel and realized we were starved-- so naturally we headed to In n Out. Happy honeymoon to us. My boo treats me right.

Tahoe. That place. Sheesh. We stayed in a sweet little condo. Had cereal for breakfast and made PB & J for lunch. Spoiled ourselves and went out to dinner. I miss those days. You know, the days where you eat whatever you want, whenever you want, just because you can. We hiked our hearts out. Clay got is nature fix, and I got my water fix. And we were happy. Favorite parts of Tahoe (in no particular order): Blue Dog Pizza and Angora Lakes. (That is the exact order, actually. Food is necessary to enjoy the sites, people.)

Yosemite. I'm not even going to ask you to go, I am yelling it at the top of my lungs. Go, go, go. 

Basically it was the best week ever. People kept asking if I loved Clay more the second we got married, and I didn't know how to answer them. What I do know for sure is that I love going on adventures with my best friend. (cheese factor is sitting at an 8 at leeeeast!) I love that it is safe, and comfortable, and that we acknowledge that the commitment we made to each other is the most important thing in our lives. He makes me happy every single day, and I am grateful for that like wo.

South Lake, Tahoe and Yosemite National Park, June 16th- 22nd, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

a marriage preview

The wedding thing happened. And it was the best day of my entire life. I am not even just saying it.

I had been sleeping on the floor in my parents room because the house was so packed. Many a night was spent on a couch in that very room when I needed my mama to hold my hair back when I ran to the bathroom barfing in the middle of the night. As I woke up the morning of the wedding, I laid in my little futon-mattress-topper-turned-bed while my Dad was still snuggled up in his bed. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him. We chatted all about the day that lay ahead of us. (Later he would come knocking on the bathroom door telling me to hurry and that "we all need to shower!" Doesn't he know this is the most important leg shaving session of my entire life? Mom quickly shewed him away... She just gets me.) But while we laid there, I couldn't help but feel a phase of my life ending. You get married and all of a sudden you don't get put on the floor in your parents room anymore. Weird how that works. It was one of my favorite moments of the day. The calm before the storm... You know, the 72 degree, sun- shining, slight breeze kind of storm.

We were sealed in the afternoon, and partied in the evening. And it was flawless. We were surrounded by the people we love, and the people who love us (or are at least really good at pretending.) I can't express how overwhelmed we felt. I broke down crying on Friday night when I had a few minutes too long to myself in the car ride home from a bachelor party turned "knock out" basketball session. When I came in the door with red eyes and a sniffly nose, my mom jumped up real fast. I think there might have been a moment of "don't tell me I made that beautiful white dress for nothing" running through her mind. So when she very worriedly asked me what was wrong, saying "I'm just really grateful" seemed like an awfully silly reason to be sobbing uncontrollably like my first cat just died. But looking back on it, it was the perfect reason. 

Simply put... Marriage: I recommend it. I love love. And the day was packed full of it. The gushiest, lovey dovey ist, heart boxes full of chocolatest, stuffed teddy bears that creepily whisper personalized messages when you squeeze them ist, deep down warm feelingest love. Wedding day, I give you a 10. 

jensens do yellowstone

(originally posted July 11, 2013)

It's been a few years too many since we all took a fam vacay together. Like, I'm thinking circa 2008 when we headed to the East Coast for a church history/ national monument trip. You know, the one where Mama J had us storming up and down the national mall in order to see everything... ev er y thang... in approximately 6 hours. You know, the one where my sister wore uncomfortable shoes, so Mama J gave Ashley her shoes, and proceeded to explore barefoot. You know, the one where we got the best deep dish pizza in Chicago and ate it on top of our big, comfy hotel beds. Ya, that's the one.

We decided we needed a fun, low key, outdoorsie trip. Yellowstone was the place. The place is incredible. Not once in my mind did I doubt, even for a second, that Heavenly Father created this world perfectly. He knew exactly what He was doing.

Can't believe we hadn't gotten there sooner. Can't wait to get back.
The most beautiful place. The most relaxing days. And the best kinds of people.

Yellowstone National Park, May 18th- 25th, 2013


(originally posted June 7, 2013)

I'm just gonna throw this out there...
I like to pretend I can model. Tyra would be so proud of my runway walk.
But Clay? Clay can REAL model. It's like he just dug down deep and pulled out his inner Derek Zoolander.
And that is a dynamic of which I am absolutely on board.

It's a shame we have no fun together. Ugh. Bore city.
all credit to the one and only

here's the story, morning glory

(originally posted June 7, 2013)

Better late than never? I seem to be saying that a lot in my life lately. And I hate being late.

Once upon a time I got engaged to a heck of a guy. And I was asked to tell the story, and I told it over, and over, and over again. And loved it every single time. So, I am writing it one more time (per request, and per my heart craving a sappy love story this Friday afternoon.)

Clay and I met long, long ago in a land not too far away when we were 17 years old. He went to University of Washington and I went to what was Utah Valley State College at the time. When we were 18, he came to visit me over his spring break. He took me to a gorgeous lookout spot above his Grandpa's house, and I was convinced he would make a move then. Only to find out, no, no he would not be making a move. So feeling a bit disappointed, I walked off that hill, determined to kiss him that night. We went back to his sisters house and before I left that night, we had our first kiss... in the kitchen. I love food, and I love him. So really, we're winning all around.

Fast forward 8 years. We are 25.

July 2012, we start dating again.
September 2012, we become bf/ gf. (ohhhh my gosh you guys!!!)
April 9, 2013, we break up.
April 11, 2013, I flee to CA for the weekend for a much needed hug from Mom and Dad.
April 17, 2013, Clay tells me he needs to see me.

So naturally, when he shows up- I am probably not the nicest person in the world. I know, I know, you are wondering if that is even possible. In my mind, I thought I was being a real jerk by not hugging him as tightly as usual. (Burn. That got him, for sure.) My roomies were home and after a cordial head nod between the 3 of them, Clay asked if I wanted to "go somewhere." Really, I didn't think much of it. I assumed he wanted privacy and since my roommates were home, that wasn't exactly conducive to a chat. We started driving toward his Grandpa's house. I didn't even let myself think anything of it, until he pulled up that street. And my first thought was "This is the ONLY sentimental place for me in this whole state. If he is taking me up here to break up with me more, I am going to be ticked."

He parks the car at the base of the hill and prompts me to get out of the car.

So with sweaty hands intertwined, we take the stroll to the best view of the city.

I ask him what he wants to talk about, and he says nothing.

I ask him how the week was being apart, annnnnd, he says nothing.

Then- he says something!!! He says... "I guess I don't have that much to say." (Ya think??) I was so irritated. And just when I was going Jack and Jill him down the hill, he pulls a box out of his pocket. I freeeeaked out. He is saying cute nice things and I am making a fool of myself jumping around with eyes covered, repeatedly saying "What are you doing? What are you doing? Are you being serious? Oh my gosh, no. This isn't real." And when I chilled for .2 seconds to open my eyes, he was down on one knee.

When I remembered I had to answer him, I said yes (duh.) He stood up, and we kissed. On the cheek. And the hand. We don't kiss on the mouth. Gross. And he said "Crap! I had something else I wanted to say!" And I so graciously told him he could have a redo... And he said the best thing I have ever heard in my whole life.

"I missed an opportunity on this hill with you before, and I don't want to miss an opportunity with you ever again."

He wins. He always does.

if you think this was taken when we were 17 the week that we met, you'd be oh so right.
a 2005 signature kissy face. no resisting that.

getting marriaged

(originally posted May 3, 2013)

I suppose it would be appropriate for me to blog about this sooner rather than later... seeing as how my darling roomie already beat me to it! Don't want people thinking I'm not completely gushing over the fact that there is some bling bling accompanying my left ring finger these days. I get to marry the best guy in the whole world... and soon! June 15th might as well be a national holiday now. Everyone, take it off and come party with us. I'll write you a pretend sick note. I have plenty of practice with those.

Clay and I have known each other since we were 17. We met in Provo, like a lot of you. We met at BYU, like a lot of you. However, we win- because we fell in love at EFY. I have a journal entry that goes a lot like this... "Clay and I did the 3 song challenge at the dance tonight (you know, where you jump for 3 straight songs) and we were so sweaty and gross but, it's okay because he still asked me to slow dance after."

Folks. If your man won't dance with you when you're sweaty... then it IS NOT true love. Reassess pronto!

But in all honesty- I do have a pretty big concern.
The whole basis for my old blog was "blogging without a husband isn't a crime."And now I'll have one. A husband. I will have one of those.And a blog.A husband and a blog.
Looks like I've got to majorly sort out my priorities.
(I'll choose him every time. Look at that face.)