Last year Clay decided to add "IronMan" to his bucket list. Being the supporter of dreams that I am, I sent him out for training days with promises of sour patch kids, little caesars pizza, and rocky road ice cream upon his return. Was my ulterior motive that I don't need him to be skinnier than me? Maybe. But did it come across that I am an expert in the love language of giving gifts? Absolutely.
So he trained, and I got hooked on Gossip Girl, naturally.
Then we boarded a plane to Kentucky.
What should you know about Lousiville, you ask? 1. The Ohio River is disgusting. Fact: It used to be so polluted that it actually caught on fire. 2. Churchill Downs will blow your mind. It's charming. 3. The highways are lined with abundant greenery and old, rocky bridges. 4. Target is easily accessible.
The Downs were completely empty and completely unlocked. We wandered aimlessly in and out of buildings, up and down escalators, over and under walkways, around and through betting stations. (I'll stop there because I am running out of prepositions, but you get the idea.) I was bummed there weren't races going on, however, the good news is, there weren't wide brimmed hats to block my views, or horse poop to ruin my shoes.
And then all of our hard work and training paid off. To bring things full circle- he swam 2.4 miles, biked 112 miles, and ran 26.2 miles all while I finished off a bag of donettes, avidly shook my cow bell, power walked, ate qudoba AND made friends with the girls that work there, read the news, watched some fire dancers perform, purchased a car phone charger, caught up on running with friends games, napped for 2 hours, tracked Clay via iphone apps, and licked an ice cream cone at the finish line. I'm not trying to say one of us did more than the other, but I think one of us did more than the other. I just wish he wasn't so lazy.
Okay, but seriously. He is rad. I am so proud of him for finishing something he said he would do. Not only did he finish it, but he finished it STRONG. First Iron Man in UNDER 13 hours? Uh, ya. Killer. I have a feeling that won't be the last IronMan for this guy.
Louisville, Kentucky, August 22nd- 26th, 2013